Adelaide Wedding – Clinton and Heidi

I had met Clinton and Heidi a few years ago at a friend’s wedding in Sydney. I had heard a lot of great things about them since and was thrilled when they chose me to photograph their wedding in Adelaide last Saturday.

Upon arriving at Heidi’s place from the airport, she greeted me energetically in the warm Adelaide air and introduced me to her bridesmaids and folks. They were all relaxed and bouyant and excited about the day ahead.

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Heidi, elegant and graceful:

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Clinton and co:

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

The majestic Pilgrim Uniting Church:

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

One of my favourite photos – pure joy:

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

The inside of the church was just as grand:

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Exploring the church grounds with the newlyweds:

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

I love this sequence:

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

My favourite photo from the day, featuring the breathtaking St Peter’s Cathedral:

The gorgeous bridesmaids:

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

We then drove through the Adelaide hills to the charming town of Stirling and to The Stirling Hotel for the reception.

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Vanilla slice cake – delicious.

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Ripping up the dancefloor!

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Stirling Adelaide Wedding Photographer

Congratulations Clinton and Heidi!


What fabulous photos! Heidi looks so elegant & beautiful and Clinton scrubs up a treat 🙂

Beautiful photos of a gorgeous bride with her lovely bridesmaids. Clinton and Heidi you make a great couple.